Cleaning House by Mark Grisar

A Challenge to the Dark by Anna Imhof

Thanks for the Memories by Felix Morgan


2nd Place: Disconn by Andy Byrne

3rd Place: Incurable by Jeff York

4th Place: A Challenge to the Dark by Anna Imhof

5th Place: No More Heroes by Lily Mercer

6th Place: Inferno Machine by Ken Collins

7th Place: Salt of Her Skin by Michael Easton

8th Place: Dive by Andrew Zeko & Kris Sundberg

9th Place: Erotic Fiction Writer by Tim Davis

10th Place: Denmark by Robbie Robertson


Bluebeard by Chelsea Russo

Free Sprits by Craig Fleming

Geoff Hitler by David White

The Empty Sea by David Poulshock

Waterloo by Chuck Griffith


As We Know It by Thunder Levin

A Challenge to the Dark by Anna Imhof

A Quiet Conspiracy by Sandor Stern

Affair of the Poisons by Charles Leipart

Assassins by Matt Crofts

Ballerina Girl by Evan Cooper

Becoming Terpsichore by Susan Polk

Bluebeard by Chelsea Russo

Bog Walk by Dominique Holmes

Buffalo Nation by Alexander Major

Cannon Fodder by Zak Shaikh & Matt Graham

Cascade by Dominic Ludeau

Chasing Rainbows by Micah Cohen

Cleaning House by Mark Grisar

Cooper’s Promise by Timothy Jay Smith

Cover Crop by Jeffrey Howe

D-Day by Jens-Frederik Otto

Dark Island by Kane Wheatley-Holder

Denmark by Robbie Robertson

Disconn by Andy Byrne

Dive by Andrew Zeko & Kris Sundberg

E-DEN by Mark Robertson

East of Mecca by Sheila Flaherty

Easy Prey by Lee Skore

Emma’s War by Glenn Mitchell

Erotic Fiction Writer by Tim Davis

Everybody Has a Thing by Allan George

Ezekiel Scrooge: An American Christmas Carol by Bob Canning

Farewell to Arms by Gail Noye

Fighter Boys by Richard Casares

Fireworks for a Funeral by Madeline Dennis-Yates

Foxes by Gregory Fishwick

Free Spirits by Craig Fleming

From on High by Scott Boxenbaum

Gandhi and the Goonda by James Freeman

Geoff Hitler by David White

Ghost in the Graveyard (1,2,3…) by Charlie Comparetto

Going Reno by Elizabeth Quinn

Greek Surf 2.3.16 by Jeanmarie Fenrich

Hearts In The Sand by Hamlet Sarkissian

Henricus Rex by Jo Willmott

Hotel Soleil by Rebekah Wilkinson

House of Brews by Jordyn Giddens

How to Catch a Time Traveler by Graham Parke

In Hyding by Carlos Perez

In Oliver’s Image by Jeff Peck

In The Face of Lions by Steve Walter

Incurable by Jeff York

Inverness by Jared Ronin

Jane-Claire’s Personal Salvation by Dawn Crouch

Kyla’s War: “Snow Angels” by Hank Isaac

Last Flight of the Condor by Troy Graham

Little Shy: The Elizabeth Blackwell Story by Barbara Shaw

Lost Records by Hal West

Manzanar by Ian Hayden

Martin Eden by Jim Farina

Moment of Clarity by Michael DeMattia

Monkey Mouth by Monte Light

Murder at the MIc by Matt Rhoden

My Monster by David Caarren

Neuro Confinement by Rory White

Nick The Hat by Michael Perri

No Coincidence by Dawn Crouch

No More Heroes by Lily Mercer

Outside Harmony by Tim Casto

Paradise Man by Mitch Paradise

Patchwork by Amanda Keener

Pendragon by Steven McGraw

Pot Of Gold by Randall Turner

Quick & Painless by Michael Sajewski

Red Bandana by Timothy Jay Smith

Red Car by Justin Swingle

Roaches by Andrew Costello

Safety In Numbers by Litza Bixler

Sam and Doug by Brendan Cleaves

Sanctuary by Scott Pittock

Senior Moment by Robert Mangrum

Simon Says by Gary Files

Sirius by PJ Hart

Sky Thief by Jamie Barthol

Sleep No More by Kelleigh Greenberg-Jephcott & Dominic Jephcott

Superlox by Tom Lewis

Thanks For The Memories by Felix Morgan

The Empty Sea by David Poulshock

The Facilitator by Randy Bixby

The Family Duclos by Sandor Stern & Andrew Neiderman

The Hunter by Angela Berliner

The Inferno Machine by Ken Collins

The Jungle by Rachel Beard

The Man Who Stops Time by Paul Sargia

The Rise and Fall of Robert Johnson by Jeffrey Abelson

The Salt of Her Skin by Michael Easton

The Sensualist: A Woman in Black by Suzanne Griffin

The Watermelon Bombers by Stan Rutledge

The Young Liars by Derek Neville

Tivoli by Alexandra Edmondson

Toyz On Demand! by Ian Keldoulis

Valentine by Stephanie Ginger

Waterloo by Chuck Griffith

You Only Live Twice by Kevin McCloskey

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